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Version: 2.2

Moralis Data Types

Within the SDK, we have several data types to make your life easier when working with the SDK. These data types are useful for:

  • Easy creation of data types by allowing different input formats (for example, "0x1" or 1 for a chain)
  • Easy formatting of data types (lowercase and checksum addresses, for example)
  • Utility methods (such as comparing two different data types regardless of the input/format)
  • Additional properties (such as currency, rpcUrls, and paths to explorers)

Using Data Types

The most common use cases for the data types are:

  • As input for methods and API calls
  • Creating new instances manually for usage within your dapp
  • Using returned data types from the API

Use as Input for Methods and API Calls

For many API calls, you can provide a chain or address parameter. In these cases, you can provide any valid input value for an EvmChain or EvmAddress. For example, these are all valid inputs:

import { EvmChain, EvmAddress } from "@moralisweb3/common-evm-utils";

chain: "0x1",
address: "0xa74476443119A942dE498590Fe1f2454d7D4aC0d",

chain: "0x1",
address: "0xa74476443119a942de498590fe1f2454d7d4ac0d",

chain: EvmChain.ETHEREUM,
address: EvmAddress.ZERO_ADDRESS,

chain: EvmChain.create(1),
address: EvmAddress.create("0xa74476443119A942dE498590Fe1f2454d7D4aC0d"),

Creating New Instances Manually for Usage Within Your Dapp

If you need to use any of the data types within your apps, then you can import them from '@moralisweb3/common-evm-utils or '@moralisweb3/common-sol-utils, and create your instance via the .create() method.

For example:

import { EvmNative } from "@moralisweb3/common-evm-utils";

const oneEth = EvmNative.create(1, "ether");

oneEth.wei; // 1000000000000000000
import { EvmAddress } from "@moralisweb3/common-evm-utils";

const myAddress = EvmAddress.create(

myAddress.lowercase; // "0xa74476443119a942de498590fe1f2454d7d4ac0d"

Using Returned Data Types from the API

You will encounter many data types as return values from any of the APIs. These provide a lot of extra value. For example:

const response = await Moralis.EvmApi.balance.getNativeBalance(params);

// myBalance is an instance of the EvmNative data type
const myBalance = response.result.balance;

myBalance.wei; // 1000000000000000000
myBalance.ether; // 1.0
myBalance.equals("1000000000000000000"); // true


Instead of handling EVM chains as decimal or hex string types, the Moralis SDK now handles them as a separate class instance, and we call them Moralis Data Types.

Create EvmChain

import { EvmChain } from "@moralisweb3/common-evm-utils";

//by name
const chain = EvmChain.ETHEREUM;
//or by hex string
const chain = EvmChain.create("0x1");
// or by decimal value
const chain = EvmChain.create(1);

Read EvmChain

You can read the following values from the EvmChain instance:


console.log("decimal: ", chain.decimal);
// decimal: 1
console.log("hex: ", chain.hex);
// hex: "0x1"
console.log("hex: ", chain.format());
// output depends on specified by default formatting type


console.log("name: ",;
// name:"Ethereum Mainnet"


console.log("currency: ", chain.currency);
// currency: {name : "Ether", symbol: "ETH", decimals: 18 }

EvmChain - Comparing Equality

This utility method can be helpful when you handle decimals and hex values altogether in your dapp:

console.log("check 1: ", chain.equals(1));
// check 1: true
console.log("check 2: ", chain.equals("0x1"));
// check 2: true
console.log("check 3: ", chain.equals(EvmChain.create(1)));
// check 3: true
console.log("check 4: ", chain.equals(EvmChain.create("0x1")));
// check 4: true


Create EvmAddress

import { EvmAddress } from "@moralisweb3/common-evm-utils";

// by lowercase address
const address = EvmAddress.create("0xa9c4c85dd0495e32d08ef64d51fdeb35d200edfe");
// or by checksum
const address = EvmAddress.create("0xa9C4c85DD0495E32D08EF64d51fDEB35D200EDfe");

Read EvmAddress

console.log("lowercase: ", address.lowercase);
// lowercase: "0xa9c4c85dd0495e32d08ef64d51fdeb35d200edfe"
console.log("checksum: ", address.checksum);
// checksum: "0xa9C4c85DD0495E32D08EF64d51fDEB35D200EDfe"
console.log("checksum: ", address.format());
// output depends on specified by default formatting type

EvmAddress - Comparing Equality

This utility method can be helpful when you handle lowercase and checksum values altogether in your dapp:

"check 1: ",
// check 1: true
"check 2: ",
// check 2: true
"check 3: ",
// check 3: true
"check 4: ",
// check 4: true